Payment Currencies

When paying for the actual names and not the gas fees, we are only limited by the chain you buy your name from if your chain does not support ETH, like Cosmo Hub. That's why we don't want to restrict the payment method at all. Of course, you need to be aware that not every coin and every claim on your chain will be accepted, that would be impossible, but we try our best to make sure that the most commonly used coins are accepted.

We want to use already established exchanges and want to find the best exchange for your coin.

We don't want to complicate everything by creating our own coin, so we want to choose a small number of coins that are natively supported and everything else will be exchanged to the main native currencies. By that you still could exchange by your own, and you are not forced into exchanging into a new coin which you were newer heard of and is worthless outside our system.

Last updated