Vision #Draft


Our name system should be usable from as many chains as possible, no noticable feature drawbacks to being one over the other.

This also means that name ownership can be held on other chains, not just a single one. Including trading, managing sub-names and resolver records.


Our pricing model must be fair while not allowing for name hoarding / other abuse. ... ToDo

Namespace Clashing

We will restrict ourselves to just one tld and accept other tld's in crypto and outside of it (DNS). It should be architecturally possible to import other name systems / allow owners of names in other systems to claim their name in Farsight.

Ecosystem Fit

We have to understand that there are already many existing name systems and that it is unlikely that we will outcompete everyone.

Instead we should embrace them and allow selected ones to be used within ours. Meaning ownership of the name in their system allows claiming the name in our system.

Last updated